Selasa, 21 Februari 2023


Hallo semua nyaaaa, aku mau ngasih tau nih apa sih job interview itu, fungsinya apa sih, dan aku juga buat video job interview juga lohh

Jangan lupaaa baca dengan teliti Yaa, oh iyaa aku ngejelasin nya pakai bahasa Inggris Yaa

Soalnya ini materi bahasa Inggris dari guruku...

Apa sih Job interview ituu???

1. Definition

A job interview is an interview consisting of conversations between a job applicant and an employer's representative that is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired.

2. Function

It shows the employer what you can do for the company, and it gives you the opportunity to assess whether your qualifications and career ambitions align with the position.

3. Expression

A. Draw attention to your education and qualifications, or any formal training you may have received:

-I graduated from (university/college etc) in (the year)… 

-I studied at (university/college)… 

-I got a diploma in…. and then went on to study...

-I did a Management course in 2018 and this helped me to...

-I am a qualified...

-I have an IELTS certificate with a score of (number)…

B. Focus on your work experience and your career so far:

-I worked for (company name) as a (job role)…

-I worked in (sector) for (period of time)…

-I was promoted to (job role)…

-I was responsible for...

-I am good at multi-tasking/working under pressure/working to a deadline…

-My strengths are/my strength is communicating well/my ability to solve problems…

-I have worked for several companies including….

-I have …….years’ experience in… 

-I have a proven track record in…

C. Describe your best features and what motivates you:

-I am hardworking/ organised/decisive/patient/easy going/a team player/committed/focused/proactive and methodical.

-I am proud of...

-I perform well under pressure.

-I am self-motivated.

-I take pride in my work.

-I’m good at problem-solving.

4. Sample


Senin, 20 Februari 2023


Assalamualaikum semuaa, aku farazeta mau jelasin tentang Apa itu CV, fungsi nya apa aja, struktur nya, contohnya juga lohh, selamat membaca semuaaa....


CV, is a document that describes in detail a person's curriculum vitae based on his experience, qualifications and achievements.


Essentially, a CV is designed to summarise all your academic, professional and personal (where relevant) achievements in order to entice or interest a hiring manager when applying for a new job opportunity.

3. Structure

• Profile – an introductory paragraph

• Core skills – bullet pointed snapshot of your main offerings

• Career history – detailed list of your roles

• Education/qualifications/technical skills

4. Expression/SETENCES

• Profile

Your profile sits just underneath your CV heading and serves as an introductory paragraph to summarise your offerings and grab the attention of recruiters. Another way to think of it, is like a quick sales pitch.

• Core Skills

To give the top of your CV an extra boost, add a bullet pointed core skills section underneath your profile like this one.

• Career history

Begin describing your career history by listing each of your previous roles in chronological order starting with the most recent. Briefly describe the scope of your responsibilities, and highlight how you have contributed to the company’s success.

• Education/qualifications/technical skills

Towards the bottom of your CV you should give a complete list of your education and vocational qualifications.

5. Sample

6. Writing


Enjoy guys membaca nyaaaa><

Application letter

Haii gaiss!! Aku mau ngasih tau ni tentang apa sih Application Letter ituu. Nah aku punya informasi yang simple dan mungkin bisa dipahami dengan mudah lohh....

Sebelum membuat Application Letter kita harus tau dulu definisinya...


An application letter is a document sent to company leaders or recruiters to apply for a job. This letter contains specific interests, qualifications and experiences that are considered relevant to fill the available job vacancies.

Setelah tau definisi nya, kita akan membahas fungsi Application Letter nya...


The function of Job Application Letter:

• To make the employer interested and call the writer for an interview.

• To apply a job to a person or a company.

• To express the interest in attending or receiving a position.

• To say the intent to apply for a certain job or a position.

Strukturnya juga ada lohhh.....


• Heading

• Salutation

• Opening Paragraph

• Content / Body

• Closing Paragraph

• Enclosure


• Heading :

(Your Name)

(Your Address)

(City, Postal Code)

(Date Written)

(Leader Name)

(Position In The Company)

(Company Name)

(Company Address)

(City, Postal Code)

• Salutation :

Dear (Leader Name) ,

• Opening :

(Write where you got the job advertisement poster from, plus the date, and show that you match what is required in the job advertisement)

• Content Body :

(Write down all your positive experiences in detail, and point out your strengths accordingly)

• Closing Paragraph :

(Close with your wishes and say thank you)

• Enclosure :


(Your name)

Disini aku punya contoh dari application letter nyaaa nih guysss ....



Aku juga bikin contoh job advertismentnyaaaa



Farazeta Aurellia
Jln. Permata Prima no. 21
Semarang, 50189

February 14, 2023

HRD manager


Jln. Dukuh Kupang np.21,


Dear HRD manager,

I am Farazeta, graduated from the Faculty of Management with a bachelor's degree. I would like to apply for the position of Packaging Supervisor Technician advertised on Instagram on February 9, 2023. My relevant experience in the same position

yes as a Bachelor of Management student it is very relevant and can be applied in your company. I can work individually. I can work under pressure and have high motivation in completing all my work. Both individually and in a work team. I also have pretty good management skills.

Plus I got satisfactory grades in several previous fields for all my hard work. And can perform equipment maintenance in accordance with the lessons I have received for 3 years.

Please give my application a strong consideration. I hope to hear good news from you.Thank you for your time and consideration.


Farazeta Aurellia

Sekiannn informasi yang bisa aku kasihh tentang application letter, enjoy, jangan lupa likeee!!><

Selasa, 07 Februari 2023

Prakerinku di TVKU

Assalamualaikum semuaa, aku mau cerita in tentang pengalaman ku magang di TVKU loh. Cerita ku ini disuruh guruku untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggris, dibantu dengan google translate, reverso. Ini hasilnya: 

Prakerin at TVKU Semarang

In early January 2022, I did an internship at TVKU Semarang. TVKU Semarang is located in the udinus complex, building e lt. 2, st. Nakula 1 no. 5-11, Semarang, Central Java. I worked for 6 months, from 3 January 2022 to 30 June 2022.

TVKU has many programs, one of which is often broadcast is the Central Java Kabar program. The program contains news about events in Central Java. There are also programs that I often organize live, there are NGICIP programs, High School Forums, Campus Corner, Ulama Menyapa and other programs. On TVKU, I once met an Indonesian football athlete, namely Pratama Arhan.

On the first day of the internship, there was an introduction to the industrial environment, division divisions, and meeting new friends from different schools. I got a job in the MCR division. MCR is a place where to control all television programs. At MCR I have 4 mentors, there are Mas Anton, Mas Rida, Mas Mifta, and Mas Gibran. All boys haha. In the MCR division the work is setting up and running the audio mixer, running and compiling playlists, compiling and managing CG. I have done all the work, even though there are often obstacles. But my mentor gave the right direction and helped me. At MCR I was not alone, but there was my friend, Arin, and 2 friends from other schools, namely Adsa and Kintan.

When I left for work, I made shifts, because there were 4 people in the MCR section. If I get the morning shift from 08.00 – 12.00 WIB. If I get the afternoon shift from 13.00 – 16.00 WIB. I left for the internship by taking the BRT bus transportation. And I’m sometimes late if I get the morning shift. My departure schedule is from Monday to Friday, but sometimes Friday is told to be off.
Before completing the prakerin, I was told to make a report for the school and industry. Because making a report is a requirement to get an internship certificate. I also filled out a journal from the school for data on what I had done during the internship. The experience of 6 months of prakerin was very memorable, because I was able to learn from the industrial world and had many friends too.

Itu tadi cerita ku, terima kasih, selamat membaca:))
Jangan lupa like and komen☺️☺️


Hallo semua nyaaaa, aku mau ngasih tau nih apa sih job interview itu, fungsinya apa sih, dan aku juga buat video job interview juga lohh Jan...